The short film is the project of a youth project of sPERANTO ResPeaceAbility gGmbH, written by Jasmin Thometzek and thematizes social injustice and mental health.
Project duration: 12 months
Participants reached: 30
In the project “The Dream Dancers”, a film is being made by and for young people in a youth participation project. The script for this film is written by Jasmin Thometzek, who has been a participant in sPERANTO projects since 2021. There are acting, dance, film, music workshops and organizational meetings to prepare for the film.
The project is supported by the Future Package for Movement, Culture and Health as well as the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Pandion AG and Transiträume e.V..
Film project call of interest

Implementation of an open offer for dance and acting workshops at the Tiny House for young people in Berlin.
Project duration: 12 months Participants reached: 30In this project sPERANTO offers through the self-built Tiny House/ mobile dance-, sound-, coaching-studio in the educational-environmental hip hop summer camp 2020, a place where young people can meet, exchange and work on dance-, music- as well as acting-projects.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU and the space is provided by Pandion AG and Transiträume e.V..
Tiny House Workshop group photo in Kreuzberg, Berlin

Implementation of a multimedia dance, drama, videography and music project on sustainable development for socially disadvantaged youth in Berlin.
Project duration: 12 months
Participants reached: 30
In the educational environmental hip hop project “Discover yourself – change the world!” by sPERANTO ResPeaceAbility gGmbH, in cooperation with the district office of Neukölln, 30 Berlin youths were strengthened in their personality development and identity formation in a summer camp in Brandenburg in the Diversity Lab via five workshop modules hip hop dance, acting, film, rap/ beat production/ songwriting and education for sustainable development and introduced to the topics of sustainable development and sensitized for alternative actions. A dance piece, a theater rehearsal, seven self-produced and self-written songs by the young people as well as a film documentation of the summer camp by the young people were created.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung and the Diversity Lab.
Education Environment Hip Hop Summer Camp Group Photo

Implementation of a multimedia bidding-environmental dance and music project on sustainable development for young women in the women’s prison in Monterrey, Mexico.
Project duration: 12 months
Participants reached: 60
In the project “Discover yourself – change the world! Cambia tu mundo!” in cooperation with the Mexican NGO Reinserta, 60 young women in the women’s prison in Monterrey, Mexico, were strengthened in their personality development through hip hop dance and introduced to the topic of sustainability and sustainable development.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU and the EBWK Stiftung.
Photo with the Mexican partner organization Reinserta, local dance workshop leader Luis Uresti and sPERANTO CEO and dance workshop leader Alica Paeske at the women's prison Nuevo León, Monterrey.

Implementation of a multimedia educational-environmental dance and music project on sustainable development for socially disadvantaged youth and young artists in Quibdó, Colombia.
Project duration: 12 months Participants reached: 80In the project “Discover yourself – change the world! Muévete Quibdó!” in cooperation with the Colombian NGO VuYA, 80 young people in Quibdó, Colombia, were strengthened in their personal development through hip hop dance, rap and songwriting and introduced to the topic of sustainability and sustainable development as well as sensitized to alternative courses of action.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU and the EBWK Stiftung.
Rap Pazcifico music video

2020-2021, Berlin - Neukölln
"Discover yourself - change the world!"
Realization of a multimedia dance, theater and music project on sustainable development for socially disadvantaged youth in Berlin
Project duration: 18 months
Participants reached: 30
“How do we live?”
“How we want to live?”
In the project “Discover yourself – change the world!”, 30 young people from Neukölln and Berlin were strengthened in their personal development through hip hop dance, rap and songwriting, the construction of a Tiny House/Germany’s first mobile dance and recording studio and specialist workshops, and introduced to the topic of sustainability and sustainable development and sensitized to alternative courses of action.
The project kicked off with the eight-day Hip Hop Summer Camp in Brandenburg, which included overnight accommodation and full board for the participants. The intensive week concluded with a video production and final performances in Brandenburg and in Berlin at the Kreuzberger Hoffestspiele. Since then, the project has been carried out weekly at the Lessinghöhe Children’s and Youth Center and digitally. On 03.09.2021 there will be a performance at the award ceremony of the Urania Medal for Sustainability in Berlin.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU, Denttabs Zahnputztabletten GmbH, IKEA Stiftung, EBWK Stiftung, Stiftung Berliner Sparkasse, Isogon GmbH, Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Morus 14 e.V. and Kinder- und Jugendzentrum Lessinghöhe.
Trailer "Discover yourself - change the world!"

2021 - 2022, Berlin - Marienfelde "30 seconds - "You just have to be brave for 30 seconds"
Project duration: 2 months
Participants reached: 10
The sPERANTO educational project “30 seconds – You only have to be brave for 30 seconds!” in cooperation with 3D Medienhaus, NUSZ and Jugendamt Tempelhof is about personality strengthening, identity formation and career orientation via the workshop elements hip hop dance, autobiographical writing and life coaching. The project is aimed at refugee and non-refugee girls aged 13-19.